Connection Issues

If the chatbot is not working, it could be due to one of these following problems:

1. Other Chatbots or Extensions are used in the same account apart from Kaojao.

2. Recently changed Facebook password.

3. Change to page admin access.

4. You don’t have access to the page anymore.

5. Change in Page Information.

6. Cannot connect to Facebook.

You can solve these problems by these following steps:

Ask all the admins if they have installed any other extensions or chatbots apart from Kaojao.

1. You can do so by going to your Facebook account and selecting “Settings & privacy” in the top right corner.

After that go to “Settings”.

1.1) Click to “Security and login”.

1.2) After that go to “Business integrations”. Here you can see apps and services connected to your FB account.

Remove all the unnecessary apps, and let the main admin install the Kaojao chatbot (only 1 person).

2. Go to the shop management to connect a new Facebook page, then click on the Facebook icon.

3. Select the store you want to connect to and click on “Save”.

Your page is now successfully reconnected to Kaojao.